Our Mom
Melissa's turning fifty.
Oh, yes she is indeed.
It's something she thought might not happen
if she did not succeed.
She's succeeded alright in lots of ways.
As a wife, mom, nurse, and grandmother,
they've all numbered her days.
Mom cooks and cleans all days of the week.
She weigh watches and exercises,
which makes her not weak.
She's raised four awesome children
whom everyone adores.
She's often asked the question,
"Why didn't you have more?".
They've all succeeded in more ways that you know.
One day they'll make money with their own reality show.
In case you're wondering about these four,
keep reading below and you'll learn more.
Amanda will call at the drop of a hat
if her toe hurts, Konrad's fussy, or Mary Wesley says the word "cat."
She's always driven her mom up the wall
like thinking she's dying or needs a quick trip to the mall.
The truth is obvious as you can tell.
She's just like her mother and sometimes that's hell.
Nash is the smart one.
He's always made mom proud.
Till he starts yelling how hot the car is and makes mom get loud.
He's had more spankings than the rest of us.
I guess that's why now he gets away without a cuss.
Garrett the "perfect" one, whom mom adores,
always got away with watching TV and never doing chores.
He's turned out quite crafty living out on the farm.
I'd say mom likes what he creates and doesn't pay a leg or an arm.
Then there's Wesley-
Mom's favorite by far.
Thank goodness for Sheldon, who teaches him he'll have to work hard.
Wesley's sweet and gives mom affection galore,
but grandchildren are starting to take over and love mom more.
When we all get together it's quite a treat,
till Nash takes off his shoes and all we smell is feet.
It's no surprise on Christmas or Easter.
When the phone rings we all know,
something's wrong with Ms. Peaster.
The nursing home calls all the time.
For every time we get right,
Mr. Lee promises us a dime.
Mom's worked really hard to reach her career as a nurse.
I know she's enjoyed having a little money in her purse.
Well then something happened-
and no it's not a curse-
Her grandchildren came and now there's no money left in the purse.
She's been blessed with two grandchildren so far-
and made us quite certain that Konrad's the star.
Bibby's her name and she'll go down in fame-
because spoiling them both rotten is her game.
With all of this said
I guess you realize this is your gift.
However, we promise as you get older
we'll give you a lift.
Enjoy your weekend away from us all.
Marke sure when you get back you give us a call.
We'll all want to know if you liked your surprise.
It's waiting for you in the mountains.
"Relax" is a word from the wise!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Happy Birthday, Bibby!
We love you!
Here's some pictures of her party we had last weekend. It was a very small family party. That's what she wanted, so that's what she got. Lots of food, fun, and family…
Here's a few more pictures of Mom!