Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Every Day with the Barfields (Double Edition)

As you can tell, i've been away from the blog for a good week and half.
We have had lots going on, and my blog will never take time away from me spending time with family and friends. 
I made a vow I would not work on my blog while either of my children were awake, so I work on my blog after they are both in the bed or when they are napping at the same time. 
Anyways, with that said…
here is two weeks worth of photos. 
Hang in there till the end.

Day 106- My mom gave Konrad this sleeping bag two years ago for Christmas.
He was scared of the thing.
I pulled it out to see if he would use it, and it was like he had never seen it before.
He loves it!
So strange…

Day 107- My children playing with the vacuum. My picture is not cooperating.
You can find the picture here.

Day 108- My little Easter egg!
She is all ready for our church egg hunt.

Day 109- Konrad's first time dying eggs.
He really liked it.

Day 110- Happy Easter! This was Mary Wesley's first Easter!

Day 111- My first sweet tea in forty days!
It was awesome!

Day 112- Happy Birthday to our sweet "O" cousins!
We have two cousins with the same birthday on opposites sides of the family!
It's so easy to remember their birthday!

Day 113- Snack time…Mary Wesley is now using a sippy cup and eating pretty much all table food.
They grow so fast. She already wants to do everything her brother is doing.

Day 114- My bags are packed for a fun trip to Atlanta with the "Murph" girls!

Day 115- I have been looking forward to this trip since January.
My Gran decided she would like to take all us girls to see the Lion King at the Fox for our birthdays.
We had a blast.
This was the second time seeing the Lion King for Gran, Beth Ann, Olivia, and myself.
Last time we saw it we were in New York.
There are no words to describe what it's like to spend a fun weekend in Atlanta with your almost eighty year old Grandmother!

Day 116- We had a family golf session.
I just took pictures.
Konrad's latest obsession is GOLF!

Day 117- My little explorer…this girl loves to be outside.
She is not afraid to get dirty.

Day 118- These were on sale at Kroger and I bought them.
I will just end with that…

Day 119- We are all suffering from terrible allergies at our house except Kyle.
Lots of puffy faces, watery eyes, runny noses, and coughs going on!
Hoping the rain will clear out all the pollen for a little bit.

There you have it. The last fourteen days with the Barfields…
See you on Friday! :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

I hope all of you had a great Easter. 
The weekend seemed to go by really fast. 
We had a really busy weekend, but it was fun. 
I thought I would just share some pictures with you today from the weekend.
We are doing a lot of resting at our house today.

Mary Wesley's ready for her first Easter Egg Hunt!


Our family of four!

My mom's bunny cake!
So cute!

Konrad's ready for cake!

Konrad's first time dying eggs!
He had a blast!

Konrad and Shelly!

My attempt at an Easter picture!

They get better and better!

Listening to Konrad tell me that's enough!

How hilarious is this picture?
Mary Wesley looks like she is ready to punch someone!
They are over pictures!

Her first Easter!

Best Buds!

Love these four!

Wesley and Mary Wesley!

 The best Easter picture I could get this year. 
Easter 2014


 Gran and Mary Wesley!

Easter is probably my favorite holiday!
When I was sitting in church yesterday morning, I was overwhelmed thinking about all Jesus has done for me and my family. 
Dying on the cross was ENOUGH! 
Giving me everlasting life is more than I could ever ask for. 
He died for me? I am so undeserving. 
All I can do is lay myself at his feet and say "Lord, here I am!" 
Use my filthy rags to bring you glory. 
Whatever that may look like…just have your way in me, Lord. 

Oh death! Where is your sting?
Oh hell!! Where is your victory?
Oh Church! Come stand in the light!
Our God is not dead, he's alive! he's alive!

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over sin and death
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with him again
Come awake, come awake!
Come and rise up from the grave

Rise up from the grave...

Friday, April 18, 2014


I hope you and your family have a great EASTER!

How sweet to hold
A newborn baby
And feel the pride
And joy he gives
But greater still 
The calm assurance
This child can face
Uncertain days
Because HE lives

Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives
All fear is GONE
Because I know
He holds the future
And live is worth the living
Just because HE LIVES

Happy Easter!
You can find the song above here

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Every Day with the Barfields

Lots of smiling.giggling.hopping.eating.jogging.
these past seven days. 
I'm telling you…Konrad keeps us laughing and on the move all.the.time. 
He wants to go, go, go!
Monday night he was begging to go to the grocery store.
Want to know why my 2.5 year old boy wants to go to the grocery store?
Because he likes to ride in the cars. 
(You know the little cars that are attached to the buggies.)
He talks to every stranger we pass and makes sure they know 
he is driving. 
It's hilarious. 
So, last Monday night we had a date night to not just one grocery store, but two grocery stores. 
He was an awesome car/cart driver. 
Krogers carts with the cars attached are like trying to drive a suburban in Atlanta.
It takes me twice as long in there because I can barely maneuver my way around. 
I wish I had pictures, but I left my phone in the car. 
Anyway, enjoy these photos!

Day 99- I was cleaning the kitchen and Konrad said, "Hey, mom. Look! I'm doing the hunny bop!" He had my huge shoes on and was hopping around the kitchen with his sword. It was really funny!

Day 100- What about the beautiful weather we had last week.
This girl ate her lunch outside. She loves being outside!

Day 101- One word. HAM!

Day 102- This was at the Dogwood "Bestibul" as Konrad called it. 
He wore Grandaddy's shades!

Day 103- I've been running a lot lately now that the weather is nicer. 
Well, Konrad is our little runner. 
He will run with me almost every time, and he really runs. 
I hope he will continue to be my running buddy. 
The dogs look forward to it too.

Day 104- This yogurt is awesome!
Kemps yogurt.
You should try it!

Day 105- I spent a cold rainy day with these five kiddos! We had so much fun!
Can you see all the love in this picture?

Speaking of love…
You can't help but think of all the love God has for His people since He sent His ONLY Son to die for our sins. I have been seeing Jesus on the cross all week. Thinking about the pain and agony He went through so I would be FREE. That's LOVE. Laying down your life for the ones you love. I don't deserve this at all. I will choose to live out loud and share the love of Jesus as much as I can. For some of us that's at home with our little ones. They are our ministry right now. For others it will be sharing God's love at work. Whether you teach, medicate, type on a computer, or drive a mail car you can share His love. I hope you find yourself continuously looking for ways to share His goodness and love this week. Have a great rest of the week.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
1 John 3:16