Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Every Day with the Barfields

Every Day
Week 7

Well, it's been one of those weeks where i've just been trying to keep my head above water, but i'm a SURVIVOR. I am so sick of all the sick and the sick and the sick. I am about to rant…i apologize in advance. If your child is sick, or if you are sick, or if a sibling of your child is sick, or your husband is sick, or your aunt is sick, or your grandmother is sick…(you get the point)…Please do the rest of us people a favor and STAY AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it happens all the time. People "don't realize" their sick. But seriously, don't be selfish if you know you are about to spread germs. My mother was so kind to keep all three of us at home if one of us was sick when we were little. She didn't want others experiencing the misery she was experiencing at the time. Wasn't that sweet? 
Well, that's how we do things around our house too. 
Ok, i'm done with that. In other words, we've had a lovely little cold going around our house. 
(Trust me…I know it could be worse.)
Now that the ice is gone, we have been enjoying the beautiful weather. 
Here's a little peak at our past week. 

Day 43- Konrad and Mary Wesley are working on Konrad's Valentine's. Konrad is so sweet to Mary Wesley. He is working really hard on being a "big" brother! 

Day 44- It was another ice day around here. I bundled Mary Wesley up and took on the icy roads. She's a GAP baby for sure! 

Day 45- Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Day 46- If you haven't read this book, you need to read it. It's about motherhood, and it's hilarious. 

Day 47- This child cracks me up! He is just so funny. He ate leftover spaghetti for lunch then demanded this "King Cone" that my dad brought him. He literally ate the whole thing…and loved it. After supper he said he was going to get another ice cream from "Buddy". I told him he had enough ice cream for the week. 
Happy Birthday to our Shelly!!!

Day 48- Yay! Daddy's home! Kyle and some wonderful chaperones took the youth skiing this past weekend. These two were SOOOOOOO excited to see their Daddy. (I was too.) 

Day 49- We're about to have a full blown crawler in our house. Konrad skipped the crawling stage, so I'm not all that sure what this stage will hold. It's exciting though! 

I've been a little behind on all everything I have to do this week, but I am trying really hard to stop and be thankful for every blessing. Motherhood is one of the biggest blessings in the whole world, and I LOVE it. Challenges come with it though. Like…sickness…I mean what happen to take a little tylenol then get on the couch and sleep all day…nope, not with children! 
However, I can stop and be thankful it's just a cold. We can get through this.
 Look for the blessing in it, Amanda. Stop being selfish, Amanda. 
We've been snuggling and cuddling kiddos lately. What more could I ask for? 
Everything I need to get done will get done. Even if I have to lose more sleep than I already have. Who cares about sleep anyways? 
I'm so thankful that I have a God who loves me and gives me everything I need. 
Everything is in His timing not mine. 
Weeks like these remind me I am not in control. I need to let it go and enjoy the ride. 
Ok, so there is my spill for the week. Thanks for letting me share it with you. Don't judge. You have been where I am right now. I know it! :)
Love to you all!!! 

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