Monday, February 10, 2014

Get Out Of Town

Taking the Leap

Ok, so let me just start off by saying my intentions for this two part series of getting out of town and packing for little ones is not to intentionally ruffle any feathers. Just because I don't mind leaving my children for a few days doesn't mean that it is right for everyone. This post is really just to offer encouragement if you have been thinking about going on vacation and helping you know how to pack your little ones so you aren't worrying about different things. Ok, so don't be sending me hate mail or saying mean things about me! :) I also want to say that I LOVE MY CHILDREN! They are absolutely one of God's most precious gifts here on earth. I love spending time with them. I have the privilege of being home with them almost every single day. We try to make the most of every day. I LOVE them!
Now, you can keep reading. 

Before I got married my best friend and I would take off to the beach or Atlanta to shop in a heartbeat! I mean we would make a last minute decision and GO! We each would grab our pillow, down comforter, and some clothes and be headed to the beach in NO TIME! It didn't matter. We could do that. I mean we even packed up and moved to Argentina for a month. We are that crazy!!!

 Then we met our soul mates and got married...things changed some. We still would give our husbands at least a week notice and then head on out...destination...maybe the beach...maybe Atlanta...maybe just to Tanger for the day. Our husbands were ok with it, because we asked and gave them a heads up plenty of time in advance.

 Then...I had my first baby...LIFE CHANGED! (Of course, it changed for the better.) But...I have to tell didn't stop us! HAHAHAHA! (I'm laughing at myself right now, because Lindsey and I are so crazy.) What would we do? Well we packed Konrad up and headed off...Can you believe it? Sometimes our husbands would go and sometimes they wouldn't. Occasionally I would leave Konrad with a grandparent. (I'll get there in a minute.)

Then, what happened? Well, I had another baby...Baby number 2! We STILL go on trips. With two kids, sometimes I leave one and take the other. Sometimes I leave both. And yep...still other times...we take both!!! We still go on trips!

And now...I have two kids, and she has one. We haven't been to the beach or Atlanta yet, but we've been out...multiple times! And yes...we have a beach trip planned...soon! I'm telling you...nothing has stopped Lindsey and I yet from enjoying some time at the beach or off to shop. 

Why is that? Why do we continue to do the things we love?

We made a promise a long time ago...when we each got married, when we each had children...we WOULD NOT let that get in the way of doing things we absolutely love to do! Is that selfish? No, I don't think so. We would never leave our husbands or children if we thought we didn't need to. Trust me...there have been plenty of times I have said NO and plenty of times she has said NO. 
We respect each other. We each understand. 
Our marriages and our families come first! 

I say all of that to say's healthy to get away some times. It's good for your mind, body, and soul to have some YOU time. You need to have fun with your best friends even after you have children. Listen, if i didn't have friends I would be in a mess. My friends encourage me all the time. They steer me on the right path. They pray for me. Friends are IMPORTANT!

Now, not only is it good for you to have some girl time with your best friends, but it's absolutely mandatory to have some time alone with your husband. I remember before I got married someone gave me some great advice..."Always have one date night a week with your husband!" Now, Kyle and I don't have a date night every week, but we make time for ourselves as much as possible. Just being able to have a conversation where we are both not exhausted and with no interruptions makes getting away WORTH IT. Communication is important in a marriage!

Kyle and I have never had a problem leaving our children with close friends or family to enjoy time for ourselves. Maybe it's because we believe in God's sovereignty. Our children are gifts from the Lord. They are ultimately HIS! He has numbered their days. He is in control of ALL THINGS! In order for us to be the very best parents, we have to take time for ourselves. When you are constantly pouring into your children and trying to raise them in a Godly home…sometimes you need a little break for God to fill you back up.

Where ever you find yourself in this post,  whether it be married or not, having children or not, I really hope you take time for yourself to rejuvenate, get away, have YOU time…i'll be honest…going to the grocery store by myself is considered getting away and having "me time." Maybe you aren't comfortable leaving your child/children yet. That's fine, but make time for you, and if you're married make time for you and your husband. We're all in this together. We are all different. We have to encourage and help each other a long on this beautiful journey God has us on. I'm just sharing with you some ways I think will help you have healthy friendships and marriages even with children in tow.

I hope you will check back Friday to see how I have a peace of mind when going out of town by packing my children to a "T"! Have a great week! 

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