Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow Day
January 29, 2014

I can't believe it. We waited all day on Tuesday for it to snow. I took pictures all day, so I would have them to show you. Well, the snow didn't come till later that night...after bedtime. Konrad got to stay up and play in it though. I think it is safe to say we have a boy who LOVES snow. He might be visiting his aunt, uncle, and cousins in Boston more than any of us think! :) 

Konrad seeing the snow for the first time. He absolutely loved it! 

Making snowballs! 

We let Konrad stay up late and play in the snow. We took breaks and let him warm up by the fire then headed right back out. We finally convinced him to go to bed. He was up early and ready to go back out the next morning. I made breakfast for everyone before we spent all morning in the snow. 

Sausage Crescent Roll Casserole and scrambled eggs

We all bundled up for a family photo. We're missing the cats and pigeons, but the dogs decided to get in the photo with us. 

Here's a picture of all my boys plus Ruby, the yellow lab. 

Nana and Grandaddy stopped by to play in the snow with us! 

Konrad and Ruby playing fetch. 

Uncle Nash got snowed in with us. He was busting down the doors this morning to get out of here and go to work! HA! Konrad loves his Uncle Nash! 

We figured out the best way to for Konrad to sled was a clothes basket. Kyle ran him around the yard for while. Then he got smart and made the dogs pull Konrad around. Flint and Jack took turns. You can find a video of this on my Facebook page here

Then we all piled in Daddy's truck and rode around the farm. These next pictures are some I took while we were riding around! 

These are my uncle's dogs. They were all cozy in their kennels till they heard us! 

Too bad Christmas has already come and gone. Oh, Christmas Tree!

Our farm was so beautiful covered in snow. I couldn't begin to post all the pictures I took. We just got through burning all around the farm where we will soon plant pine trees. I'll be honest it was beginning to get a little depressing seeing so much black on the ground. The snow came at such a good time. 

After some afternoon naps we headed back out in the snow. Here's some pictures of our little snow bunny. 

We ended our day with supper and a movie. 

I hope your snow day was as fun-filled as ours. Kyle and I were super tired at the end of the day. I can't really imagine what it's like for people like our family who live up North and have snow all winter long. Dressing and undressing the kids is enough to make me never want to live where it snows all the time. I have so much respect for our family in Boston...especially now that they have a little one! I'm ready to say...bring on the beach weather! I've had my winter fix. However...
Wasn't all the white around us just beautiful?!?! I mean it made the ugliest places on our farm look absolutely gorgeous. It's such a reminder that even the person in the darkest place of life can be made beautiful again. There's a reason why white is so refreshing. It represents God's bride... pure, spotless, without blemish. I am so thankful Jesus came to make us white as snow. Only by His blood are we forgiven and made white as snow in the eyes of our Heavenly father.

"Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they shall be like wool. "
Isaiah 1:18

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Everyday with the Barfields

Everyday with the Barfields
Week 4

I need to apologize. I got a little off in numbering my days correctly, but they are correct on the post. This weather is throwing us all off a little bit. I used to love cold weather...till I had a toddler that LOVES to play outside! I mean I let him out a little bit each day that I can, but by the time he wakes up from his nap it's freezing outside. Kyle and I cannot wait to let him run around outside, play in the mud, feed the dogs (pigeons, cats,...). 

Day 22- Help! I have an owl and fox in my house! Konrad likes to call this his "Todd" hat ("Todd" from Fox and the Hound). 

Day 23- This was in my crock pot all day long. My house smelt wonderful! Check on this post to learn more about coke and meat!

Day 24- I heard a bunch of giggling and the water running. I walked in my bathroom to find this munchkin playing in the water with a zip-loc bag. Who knew that could be so much fun?!?! 

Day 25- A little someone one has been teething around here. That means lots of long nights! We were all in the bed by 9:31. At 9:37 MW started whining. Luckily I just put her paci in her mouth and she slept till 4am. This is just the season of life we are in right now.
I'm trying to soak it all in and be thankful! :) 

Day 26- This sweet girl cut two teeth. Getting her to sleep has been a miracle lately. She and I took a little nap on the couch. She slept longer than I did. So sweet...

Day 27- Monday night, Movie night on the laptop...Fox and the Hound II...He laughed almost the whole movie. This little boy LOVES movies! When the warm weather comes again he will start LOVING the outdoors!

Day 28- I made gooey brownies for dessert for a snowy night! It started snowing at our house about an hour after these were made.

I know most of you are looking for snow pictures. Well check back on Friday to get out whole "snow day" recap! We have been having so much fun! I can't wait to share it with you!
Happy Wednesday! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Coca-Cola Classic

Coke and Meat

Well, the title sounds appealing..right! Who wouldn't want coke and meat? Lately I have been in search of different ways to cook meat. I'll be honest. Cooking fresh vegetables and casseroles and baking cakes and cookies bring me so much pleasure. However, I find no pleasure in handling and cooking meat. It's just my least favorite part of cooking. I've never been a real meat fan anyways. So, to make cooking meat more enjoyable I have become BEST friends with my crockpot. I have been through three crockpots in my life. I love to use them. Investing in one with high quality would probably be smart for me. (I'll add it to my wish list I have going when my children are married and own their own! HA!) 
I just love using my crockpot...
especially for cooking meat. 
Hanging out with our youth one Sunday, I overheard (imagine that...I overhear a lot when i'm around those sweet things!) one of our youth talking about how their mom had a Boston butt and coke in the crockpot at home. At first I was like...What in the world? Who thinks to put coke in a crockpot? Well, my curiosity got me, and the next week I had a Boston butt and coke in my crockpot...and my life hasn't been the same since. It sounds strange, but the more I talk about it...the more people are telling me what other meats you can put with coke in the crockpot.
Ham and Coke
Boston Butt and Coke
Whole Chicken and Coke
Pork Tenderloin and Coke
The possibilities are endless! 

Last week I decided to cook a pork tenderloin in the crockpot. I added a chopped onion and coke. It was really good. You can't really taste the coke, but it makes the meat so tender. It also make a good gravy. I cooked mine on low for eight hours. I think six hours would have been plenty, but I let it go eight. I served steamed broccoli with parmesan cheese and company rice with it. 
I will list the recipe for each item below! 

Pork Tenderloin
1 onion
1 can of coke
1 pork tenderloin
Salt and pepper your meat. Add onion and coke. Cook on low for 8 hours in crockpot. 

Company Rice
4 tablespoons of butter (I only used 2!)
1 can of beef consume
1 can of french onion soup
1 cup of uncooked rice
Preheat oven on 375 degrees. Place the butter in a 13X9 baking dish and let it melt in the oven while your oven is heating. When the butter is melted put the remaining ingredients in the baking dish. Stir them together. Cover the dish with tin foil. Bake on 375 degrees for 30-35 minutes. 

Steamed Broccoli with Parmesan Cheese
fresh broccoli
parmesan cheese (shredded is best)
Steam your broccoli on the stove. Drain the water. Sprinkle with garlic salt, a little bit of olive oil, and parmesan cheese. 

I hope you will venture out and try one of these meats with coke! It will change the way you think about coke and cooking meat! 

I hope you all have a great week! Remember to check back Wednesday to see what we have been up to the last seven days! We've had some LONG nights lately! This mama is in need of sleep! 

I'll leave you with this verse to think on today...
Romans 8: 28-31
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that height be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 

HE is FOR us!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Consuming Fire
Winter Retreat 2014

This past weekend Kyle and I had the privilege of taking our youth and some awesome adults to Epworth by the Sea on St. Simons Island. This is the second year we've had a winter retreat at Epworth. Epworth is such a sweet place. I've been going on retreats to Epworth since high school with a group called First Love Ministries. I haven't been in a while, so it was great to be back there this past weekend. Kyle arranged for an awesome speaker and band to lead us while we were there. I want to high-light a couple of blessings I came away with from our meetings. 

The first meeting was all about love. Love never sins against God. Love always demonstrates and promotes itself. I can honestly say it was not until I fully understood God's love for me that I understood what this life is really all about. The speaker used a cup for of starbursts for his talk. He explained to us that every time we give away pieces of our heart to different things (unhealthy relationships, our careers, love of money, etc.) in life then we have nothing left to give Jesus. Jesus wants ALL of us!  If you give your ALL to God you will never regret it. He used the following scripture references:

Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind.
Matthew 22:34

Whoever does not LOVE does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE. 
1 John 4:8

On Saturday morning a member from the band shared his testimony. His testimony is really profound. He shared a lot of ways the Lord revealed Himself to him. One of the most significant things that stood out to me was this...he told our youth that college is when you are most free in life (outside of being free in Jesus). Think about aren't at home under your parents all the time, you have no spouse, you have no children, you have little responsibilities. It rang a bell with me. During my college years, the Lord did a huge work in my life. I had a surplus amount of time to spend with God. I had mentors coming at me from all directions. They were leading me and guiding me to the Throne Room of Grace over and over again. If you're in college and you are reading this...Soak up your time with Jesus at this stage in life. Don't get me wrong Jesus is always with you in every stage of life, but college is a season in life where you have the most time and freedom. Use you time and freedom with Jesus! Give Him your ALL! The speaker also shared with us a story on healing. It was very powerful. The speaker's dad had a heart condition. One day his Dad passed out with no pulse. He was playing in a praise band at a church when this happened. All the church gathered to pray for this man. God heard their cry and raised his dad from the dead. Jesus is ALIVE and WELL! God will forever use his dad's testimony to reach believers far and wide. He will use your testimony too. Don't ever feel like your testimony is not good enough or that it doesn't matter! God wants to use us broken vessels for HIS glory. 

Saturday night our speaker covered the Armor of God. He went through each piece of the armor and told us what it was used for. The awesome thing about the armor is if we don't have every piece of it that we mind as well not have it at all. Each piece fits us perfectly. We must wear our armor every single day.

Ephesians 6:10-17
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his might power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not again flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you maybe able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted in the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all of this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 

The Armor of God
Belt of Truth- The belt holds everything in it's right place! Remember all truth is found in Jesus. 
(John 14:6)
Breastplate of Righteousness- This covers your heart! 
Feet fitted with Readiness- We must be willing to go where God leads us to share the gospel. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. (Just a side note: I used to sing "How Beautiful" all the time.)
Shield of Faith- This protects you from the fiery darts. The more you exercise your faith, the more your faith grows. 
Helmet of Salvation- This protects your mind and brain which helps you think clearly.
Sword of the Spirit- The Bible is what we use to fight with. The truth sets us free. 

Sunday morning we spent most of the time worshipping in song. 
Kyle sent us out with this verse:
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." 
Hebrews 12:28, 29 

Let me end by saying...I am not ordained, I am not a theologian, I am not a bible scholar. I just took the notes I wrote from the retreat and shared them with you. I will always try to give you scripture to back up thoughts I share with you. I hope this has encouraged you in some way. God loves us so much. He has provided all we need to walk in this world of darkness. Don't let the enemy take what is not his. It's by God's grace that He has called us to live in the LIGHT and give Him our ALL! 

P.S. While we are on the subject of's the reason this post is so late. We are burning all around our house, so we can plant more pine trees. Needless to say we have done some running around and switching around to stay out of the smoke! 
Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Every Day with the Barfields

The Barfields
Every Day of the Year
Week 3

It's another week with Every Day with the Barfields! I can't believe i've made it this far. I am really surprising myself. We had a great week. It was filled with a doctor's appointment, a youth trip to SSI, a little sickness, and lots of fun in between. Here's a look at our last seven days! 

Day 15- Mary Wesley had her 6 month well check. She had four shots at her appointment, and she's still smiling. 

Day 16- Konrad woke up with a little fever. He's got a few of his favorite things in this picture.
Dog, paci, John Deere tractor, and Toy Story pjs! 

Day 17- A lot of things make me happy, but a sweet tea from Chick-fil-a makes me VERY happy! This sweet tea fueled me up for a weekend with our youth. 

Day 18- Barbara Jean's with some of my favorite people. Kyle and I were on SSI this weekend with our youth. Check back on Friday to hear more about our trip.

Day 19- Enjoy this post Miss Avoly...Homecoming's your debut on the blog!!! This girl is a senior, and it might be our last trip together while she's still in high school. 

Day 20- I was so glad when I saw these two pull down the driveway. Last summer I was spoiled with getting to see them all the time. Those days aren't so much any more. It's a treat any time Shelly comes with Uncle Wes to see us.

Day 21- I am all about cold weather, but I am not all about having a 2.5 year old couped up inside all the time. We have to make the most of it. We had Chinese take-out, got cozy by the fire, and watched Fox and the Hound with our little ones. These are the nights I love most!

The last seven days God has done amazing things in the lives of our family and in the lives of others! He chooses to bless us EVERY SINGLE DAY! Are you missing the little blessings He brings us every day? I hope not. He healed Konrad's little fever. He allowed me to go with Kyle on our Youth Retreat. He met me where I was at in His presence. He did amazing work in the lives of our youth this past weekend. He has blessed us with more than we can imagine.
I hope you will look for His blessings every day!
Check back Friday to see what God is doing in the lives of our youth group.
I hope you have an awesome rest of the week! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

It's a Holiday! 
You can find Kyle and me spending time with these two...and doing mounds of laundry from the weekend! 

Have a great MLK day!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Extra, Extra Read All About It! 
Here's some news...
I am going to clue you in on some things you can look forward to on the blog in the next few months.  I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who read the blog and enjoy! I don't have everything together yet, but I just wanted to start my blog at the beginning of 2014. It's been a desire on mine, and I am really trying to maintain the blog, as well as, take care of my wife and mother duties. I have brainstormed a few ideas and talked to a few people who have encouraged me on the topics for the blog the next few months. This month will continue to be some random recipes and encouragement along with Every Day with the Barfields 2014. Here's what you have to look forward to...

*Extra Special Birthday Posts-
 I'll be honest. We are't big Birthday celebrators around here. My family never really has been big on birthdays. I do feel the need to highlight birthdays on my blog, so we are stepping up the birthday celebrations around here! I know a few of my friends will be excited! 

*Tips on packing for your little ones while you and your spouse go out of town- 
Since Kyle is a youth pastor, this time of year he has a trip planned almost every month through July. More times than not I get the privilege of going with Kyle. I'll be sharing with you why I go with him most of the time, and how I pack my children to go stay with family and friends. You'll want to read this for sure. Some of you are going to think i'm crazy, and others of you are going to be packing your bags for a little getaway and leaving your children behind. 

*A post about PIGEONS (yes, we have pigeons...five to be exact)- 
HA! There's never a dull moment around our house. We have enough animals coming in and out of our yard to start a small zoo, and I feel like this is just the beginning. I've really grown to like our pigeons. Most of you will find this post very interesting. 

And Much, Much more...I don't want to give all my secrets away! Stay tuned for more. I want to encourage each of you to get a google account, so you can post comments on my blog. I would love to hear from you! I am vowing to you that each time you read you should come away with some kind of smile and encouragement. I mean...Who has pigeons wandering around their yard?
(Insert smile here)!
This is what I want to encourage you with for the weekend. Don't be quick to worry about things. I find myself worrying all the time over things that do not matter, and I also find myself worrying about things that are only in God's control. God is so faithful. He tells us over and over again in His word that worrying is NOT from him. Instead, he tells us that worrying will never add a day to our life. His plans are to prosper us. He will never give us more than we can handle. He is in control of ALL things. He gives us power, love, and a sound mind. So, whatever it is that you have in your mind that keeps coming back to worry you...give it to God. Walk in peace and FAITH.
He will never let us down. 
Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Every Day with the Barfields 2014

Week 2
It's week TWO with the Barfields! This past week has been extremely busy, but we have made so many memories already in 2014. I am really trying to be intentional with my time at home with my two children. I need help with putting aside the things that need to be done. I wish I could just sit on the floor with Konrad and play with play dough for hours (instead of 30 minutes) and not think of the million things that I need to do to keep the house in order. Organization...well, I don't have a good relationship with it. Oh well, maybe one day I will get things in order

Day 8- Nash works in Perry now. This was the first time we have met him for lunch.
Konrad was so excited to eat Mexican with Uncle Nash.
Jordy, Kyle, and Mary Wesley were with us too. 
Day 9- Konrad and I made supper together. of our favorites! 
Day 10- WHOO HOOO!!! DATE NIGHT! The new parents (Jordy and Lindsey) got out of the house!
We ate at Houston Lake. It was so fun! 
Day 11- My sweet, Mary Wesley, turned 6 months old. She is growing so fast.
 I am so thankful the Lord gave me a precious girl to go along with my courageous boy!  
Day 12- Mary Wesley decided she was so hungry that she would just eat her toes.
She loves to just be in her diaper, and she's obsessed with her feet. 
Day 14- We celebrated Izzie's 3rd birthday with the Farmers and Kerseys. Our kiddos have so much fun together! The fun is just beginning.
 Happy Birthday, Izzie! We love you! 
These past seven days were BUSY! My little family got to spend time with so many family and friends though! Kyle and I and our group of friends really try to get together as much as possible (with and without our children) and fellowship with one another. We realize it's important to keep in touch and encourage one another. I am so thankful for time we get to spend with each of the special people in our lives. Having our children grow up together is something that each of us really hope for. We have to make sacrifices and there are times that we go a long period of time without seeing them, but we always keep in touch. Surrounding yourself with friends is good for the soul! Make time for your family and friends!
I hope you all have a great rest of the week!

P.S. Kyle, Konrad, Mary Wesley, and I want to wish this special lady a very HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday! Selena, we are praying this is the best year yet filled with lots of love and blessings from God above!
We love you and hope you have an awesome day!