Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Every Day with the Barfields

Here's a look at our last seven days!
Happy Wednesday!

Day 50- He makes all things work together for our good. 
Everywhere you look there is something to remind you of how GREAT our God is. 
He is for us and not against us. He is our refuge.
 He created all things to glorify himself…even the beautiful sunsets. 

Day 51- I spent my day with these goof balls. These two are becoming the best of friends. Oh, we have our challenges before us…I know…I remember, but they will be so thankful for each other. I love watching Mary Wesley about jump up on her feet any time Konrad enters the room, and the look on Mary Wesley's face when Konrad actually speaks to her is priceless. 

Day 52- Kyle and I went on a date Friday night. We ate at Jim Shaws, shopped around in Macon, and then ended with coffee from Starbucks. We were so glad to get to spend time with each other. 

Day 53- Mac meet Konrad, and Konrad meet Mac. My friend from college and her family were in town, so we made a trip to Lanes to play and eat lunch. It was so good to see her, and finally let our little boys meet each other. 

Day 54- My brothers and I threw a little birthday party for my mom's 50th birthday. It was just family and small, but that's what Mom wanted. Check back tomorrow for Mom's birthday blog post. 

Day 55- Monday morning after Mary Wesley went down for a nap I baked cookies for Konrad's pre-school class. They had an "I love to ready party." Hopefully the children liked them. I love to cook, but I have got to work on my baking skills.

Day 56- We played outside before nap time yesterday. You can't tell, but Konrad is soaked from his knees down. He thought standing in the water bucket with his shoes and clothes on was a great idea. I have laundry up to my ears every single day, because apparently Konrad and Kyle like to change clothes at least three times a day!!!! 

I want to leave you with some lyrics to a song that all of you know…"This is My Father's World." Most of you have heard it a million times. I LOVE this song. We've had such beautiful weather lately, and this song just  keeps coming to mind. I don't really know why, but I guess it's because when i'm sitting on my porch and I hear the "rustling grass" all I can think about is how He really does speak to us. So, i'll leave you with this…

This is my Father's world:
he shines in all that's fair;
In the rustling grass
I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere. 

Are you listening for the voice of God? 
Take time and let him speak you. 
He is seeking you with all His might. 
Pray that God would help you hear Him, even if it's in the "rustling grass"! 

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