Friday, January 17, 2014

Extra, Extra Read All About It! 
Here's some news...
I am going to clue you in on some things you can look forward to on the blog in the next few months.  I just want to say THANK YOU to all of you who read the blog and enjoy! I don't have everything together yet, but I just wanted to start my blog at the beginning of 2014. It's been a desire on mine, and I am really trying to maintain the blog, as well as, take care of my wife and mother duties. I have brainstormed a few ideas and talked to a few people who have encouraged me on the topics for the blog the next few months. This month will continue to be some random recipes and encouragement along with Every Day with the Barfields 2014. Here's what you have to look forward to...

*Extra Special Birthday Posts-
 I'll be honest. We are't big Birthday celebrators around here. My family never really has been big on birthdays. I do feel the need to highlight birthdays on my blog, so we are stepping up the birthday celebrations around here! I know a few of my friends will be excited! 

*Tips on packing for your little ones while you and your spouse go out of town- 
Since Kyle is a youth pastor, this time of year he has a trip planned almost every month through July. More times than not I get the privilege of going with Kyle. I'll be sharing with you why I go with him most of the time, and how I pack my children to go stay with family and friends. You'll want to read this for sure. Some of you are going to think i'm crazy, and others of you are going to be packing your bags for a little getaway and leaving your children behind. 

*A post about PIGEONS (yes, we have pigeons...five to be exact)- 
HA! There's never a dull moment around our house. We have enough animals coming in and out of our yard to start a small zoo, and I feel like this is just the beginning. I've really grown to like our pigeons. Most of you will find this post very interesting. 

And Much, Much more...I don't want to give all my secrets away! Stay tuned for more. I want to encourage each of you to get a google account, so you can post comments on my blog. I would love to hear from you! I am vowing to you that each time you read you should come away with some kind of smile and encouragement. I mean...Who has pigeons wandering around their yard?
(Insert smile here)!
This is what I want to encourage you with for the weekend. Don't be quick to worry about things. I find myself worrying all the time over things that do not matter, and I also find myself worrying about things that are only in God's control. God is so faithful. He tells us over and over again in His word that worrying is NOT from him. Instead, he tells us that worrying will never add a day to our life. His plans are to prosper us. He will never give us more than we can handle. He is in control of ALL things. He gives us power, love, and a sound mind. So, whatever it is that you have in your mind that keeps coming back to worry you...give it to God. Walk in peace and FAITH.
He will never let us down. 
Hope you all have a great weekend!

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